The Power of You: Making Your Business Stand Out

No matter what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, or how well it may be working for you…someone is going to tell you you’re doing it wrong.

But don’t worry. They have a system to make it better.

If you just do it their way, your problems will be solved.

Maybe their system will work for you. Maybe their system (despite the others you’ve tried not working) will finally be the magic option that works.

Or maybe the pdfs, videos, and worksheets end up living on your computer in the graveyard of other things you’ve tried that didn’t quite click for you.

When it comes to Marketing World it can feel as if there are not only an endless amount of tasks and things to learn, but also an endless amount of ways to do them. It is overwhelming.

So what do you do when other people’s systems don’t work, you’re drowning in options, and you don’t want to reinvent yourself into this year’s version of what sells?

At some point you have to trust yourself, your skills, and your audience and embrace a marketing strategy that works with your personality and strengths instead of trying to mold you into a carbon copy of someone else.

Marketing Strategy To-Do list - open notebook on a bright yellow background

Its (Probably) Not (Just) You

I’ve seen so many clients beat themselves up because someone else’s system didn’t work for them.

Either because it was never a fit for what they did, it was too complicated, or they didn’t feel comfortable doing the things they were told they had to do to be successful.

Not all marketing strategies (or “hacks” if we’re going to be catchy) will work for every business, and that's okay. You’re unique, your business is unique, and there are probably lots of reasons it didn’t work.

It isn’t (necessarily) that it is a bad program/system or evidence of everyone but you can make it work - it just may not be a good fit or it may not be a good fit for how you work best.

Find Your Special Sauce

What do you bring to what you do that makes it unique? What do you bring that others in your industry or niche don’t?

It may be your experience, your background, your approach to business in general, or a dozen other things. We’re not looking for groundbreaking, we’re looking for that extra bit of care, concern, whimsy, or unexpected you already do.

Write them all down.

Now think about the people you want to work with (ok, fine, use “ideal client avatar” if you must, but I don’t love that method  because I think it misses a lot…) how can you connect with them? What do they care about? How can you show them you’re the right choice?

Next think about your goals and how you (specifically you) want to show up. What does it look like for you to show up in your business? Are you a writer? Do you love being on video? Are you a connector? Is networking your jam? Something else?

This will form the scaffolding of your marketing strategy.

Am I saying you’ll have success as long as you are yourself even if you never market or talk about your business if you find that part uncomfortable? Absolutely not. Some pieces of marketing are going to be a stretch, but it can be done in a way that still makes you feel good about yourself and your values at the end of the day.

Lemon that is blue on the outside and bright yellow on the inside. Overall backgound is the same blue color.

Embrace Your Authenticity

I know, I know….authentic is super overused in Marketing World right now (but it is still a good word).

Don't try to be someone you're not just to fit in or follow the latest trends. I’m a big fan of experimenting and seeing how you feel about trying something new (even if it is a little scary), but I’m also not going to recommend dancing and pointing on video for every client.

Instead of trend chasing, let your unique voice, perspective, experience, and skill sets come through.

Being bland can feel safer, but is that really going to connect you with the audience you love to work with?

Cohesive Marketing

One of the biggest benefits to planning a marketing strategy is making your overall marketing cohesive instead of chaotic.

Chaotic marketing usually happens because business owners rely on just one part of their marketing to do all the heavy lifting and work of bringing in new clients. This can look like only paying attention to social media and forgetting there are other tools like email marketing, SEO, networking, and even ad.

It can also look like having unclear branding and messaging that leave clients confused instead of committed.

Cohesive marketing helps build trust with your customers and gives them a clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for

Coffee cup with the words "Go Get 'Em" on a desk with a green leafy plant

Consistency is Key

Small steps can lead to big results over time.

Ok, so that’s not as sexy as saying “GET 10K FOLLOWERS IN ONE MONTH WITH MY PATENTED PLAN”

But guess which one is sustainable, produces long lasting results, and won’t send you into a meltdown of overwhelm on day 32?

I often say that one of the big secrets to marketing and growth is showing up consistently.

How do you stay consistent? You set achievable goals and make a plan to reach those goals. You pay attention to what is working and do more of that. You keep going and keep making progress.

Put things into motion

It's easy to get caught up in planning and researching and pondering about your marketing, but at some point, you need to take action. 

Don't let fear hold you back from putting your marketing plans into action. Remember, success comes from taking action, not from staying in your comfort zone.

By embracing your unique qualities and finding a marketing plan that works for you, you can set yourself up for success.

Need help taking your marketing from chaos to cohesion and developing a marketing plan that works for your needs? Let’s chat! Shoot me an email -


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